The Blackbird

4 – 8 years , Previous performances

What if there aren’t enough raisins in the cake?

And what if you fall in your shoelace and sprain your foot – who is going to weed the radish bed?

Or – what if the sun simply forgets to rise one morning?

Every day, Mrs. Meier walks around worrying about all kinds of things, while Mr. Meier plays music and enjoys his pursuits. But one day Mrs. Meier finds a young blackbird that she has to take care of. 

A notion of daring to let go of one’s worries and – perhaps – gain wings..! Based on Wolf Ehrlbruch’s story and told for the 4-8 year olds with clown logic, music and poetic flying skills..

The performance is a co-production between Theater Patrasket and Carte Blanche, regional theatre in Viborg – and is supported by The Danish Arts Council and the Funch Foundation.

Instruction:  Folmer Gry Kristensen

Scenographic consultant:  Claus Helbo

Story:  Wolf Erlbruch

Cast:  Maria Myrgård, Sune Skuldbøl Vraa, Peter Rasmussen

Composer/musician:  Sune Skuldbøl Vraa

Technology, light, builder:  Peter Rasmussen

Puppets: Katrine Karlsen

Costumes:  Charlotte Calberg

Animations:  Dirck Backer

Technical Assistance:  Karsten Niesbeth

Room dimensions (incl. audience):  H: 3m W: 8m D: 12.5m

Age group:  4 – 8 years

Number of spectators:  80

Duration:  35 min.

Electricity: 380 V, 3 x 16 A

Blackout:  Total

Performance trailer, see  here

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