Einstein for beginners

10-14 years

The professor, the genius above them all, with the wild hair and the incomprehensible theories – everyone knows him, but few know the story about him… –
so here is the performance, which hopefully introduces Einstein’s life and thoughts to the 10-14 year olds:

We follow him on a journey through space and time, from the nucleus of the atom to the outer reaches of the universe, from childhood nerd to the unfolding of genius in the middle of the 20th century’s most revolutionary events…

A performance that asks young people deep questions about science and what we use it for – created in collaboration with the English director Alex Byrne.

“…a classic history of development and a piece of illustrated scientific theory at the same time – elegantly told with film, music and slapstick in a beautiful combination – gifted youth theater of the kind you see all too rarely.
Good entertainment while it’s on, and afterwards plenty to think about and talk about.

Henrik Lyding, Teateravisen/ The Theatre Newspaper

Actors: Maria Myrgård, Thomas Danielsen and Dirck Backer
Director: Alex Byrne
Set design: Marie Rosendahl Chemnitz
Lighting, technology: Rune Claesson
Builder: Per Christensen
Administration: Trine Warrer
Graphics: Marie Rosendahl Chemnitz/ Milla Stærmose Kær
Supported by the Danish Arts Council

Age group: 10-14 years
Duration: 60 min.
Playing area: w:8m d:8m h:3.2m
Number of spectators: 100
Blackout: Total

See trailer for the performance here, link to  youtube

Read the Teateravisen review  here

Read a young person’s review  here

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