
4-8 years

  based on a story by Kim Fupz Aakeson 

Torsten’s mother is having a baby. Torsten’s worst friend, Willy, knows why. It’s because Torsten’s mother and father don’t think he’s cute enough anymore, because they don’t love him as much anymore. For a whole long week, Torsten tries to find out what he can do:

Maybe his mom and dad will love him if he gets cuter? 

Or if he cleans his room?

Or maybe he simply has to try to understand how it all fits together, the love thing…

“Sunday” is a dramatization of Fupz’s subtle and philosophical everyday story – brought to life for the 4-8 year olds with the use of small and large dolls, light projections and narration in a consistent and pictorial language.

“‘Sunday’ is a warm and heartfelt performance which, in an educational way, tells the story of the experience that many first-borns experience when they have to move into their new life as big brother or big sister. With precise storytelling technique, concise staging and detailed puppetry, ‘Søndag’ will not only be a relevant performance for children in Torsten’s situation, but also a touching performance for the sensitive adults.”  

Teateravisen/ The Theater Newspaper

Cast:  Tea Rønne and Dirck Backer

Director:  Maria Myrgård

Scenography:  Rebekka Bentzen

Puppets:  Katrine Karlsen

Light, technique:  Peter Rasmussen

The performance is supported by the Danish Arts Council.

Age group:  4-8 years

Duration:  40 min

Number of spectators:  80

Playing area:  w:7m d:8m h:3.2m, room size with full audience, min: w:7m d:12m h:3.2m

Electricity:  380 V

Blackout:  total

Refund:  yes

Read Teateravisen’s full review  here

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