
10-14 years

Thomas plays tennis. Constantly. Because he has talent and wants to be good – the best, just like Bjørn Borg.
One day Frederik comes and Thomas lets him play along, just for fun. He teaches him the moves and also takes him to the club.
But then Frederik starts to get good – a little better than Thomas had thought…

SMASH is about what happens when competition and jealousy mix in a friendship – about elite sport, performance requirements and big sporting ambitions – and whether it is really true that you have to learn to lose before you can win. 

The performance is for 10-14 year olds and was created on the basis of the cast’s own youth experiences with the noble white sport – from the time when Bjørn Borg and McEnroe swung their wooden racquets over Wimbledon’s green grass.

“..a really excellent performance, firmly played in terms of tennis and well-played in terms of acting: A blessing to see two players who dare to take breaks, let thoughts develop, let the situation determine gestures, facial expressions and lines…”

Janken Varden, Teateravisen/ The Theater Newspaper

Cast: Kristian Dinesen & Dirck Backer
Technician: Peter Rasmussen
Direction: Nils P. Munk
Script: Sven Ørnø
Props: Stine Skovgaard Worsøe
Builder: Theis Witzel
Administration: Trine Warrer
Graphics: Milla Stærmose Kær
Photo: Søren Meisner
The performance is supported by the Statens Kunstfond Age: 10-14 years
Duration : 50 min.
Performance area : W: 8m D: 12m H: 3.5m (the dimensions include the audience, the performance is played on the floor, and the audience sits on all 4 sides of the stage)
Number of spectators : 80-100
Blackout: Yes

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