
14 years and up

Teater Patrasket, together with Graense-loes, has tackled the performance genre and explores the theme of NOISE:

The performance is a violent, poetic and zapping surrealist collage that seeks to mirror the noise as both an external and internal phenomenon – with references to youth culture, life on digital media, “reality” and the times’ demands for self-representation.

In a forest of microphones,

through a wall of white noise,

and to the desperate projections from a live camera

we get the fragments of three people’s stories

– while a stag takes flight and runs for his life…

The performance was created together with the people from Graense-loes and the director Leiv Arne Kjøllmoen

Cast: Maria Myrgård, Thomas Danielsen, Katrine Karlsen
Director: Leiv Arne Kjøllmoen
Set design: Sissel Romme Christensen
Composer: Sune Skuldbøl Vraa
Sound design/technique: My Lambertsen
Administration: Trine Warrer
Graphics: Milla Stærmose Kær
Photo: Sissel Romme Christensen
Supported by the Danish Arts Council

Age group: 14 years and up
Duration: 60 min.
Playing area: W: 8m D: 8m H: 3.5m
Number of spectators: 100
Blackout: Total

Video teaser of the performance  here

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