Greatest of All

What happens if you never dare to say what you think?

And how do you find a new father when your real father has moved?

Can you meet your grandfather even though he is dead?

What happens if your ears just start growing?

And what is it that is GREATEST OF ALL?

In our new show, we address another handful of stories by Kim Fupz Aakeson: About children with difficult thoughts, about strange things that happen – and then always with something that resolves itself in the end.

Five relevant and important stories with love as the common thread. Performed in a play with the forms of narration and composed with country inspirations, music, magic and humor.

Watch the performance trailer here

Cast: Maja Skovhus Rehøj, Bastian Popp, Dirck Backer

Director: Maria Myrgård

Set design: Filippa Berglund

Composer: Bastian Popp

Light: Elke Laleman

Costumes: Michael Nøhr

Puppet: Dirck Backer

Photo/video: Søren Meisner

Thanks to Katrine Widell

Teater Patrasket is supported by the Danish Arts Council

The show is based on Kim Fupz Aakeson’s stories: “The world’s ugliest girl”, “Then Grandpa became a ghost”, “The girl who crept”, “The Daddy-oh”, and “But greatest of all”. Published by Gyldendal.

Stage dimensions: H: 3.5m x W: 7m x D: 7m

Age group: 6 to 11 years, family performance from 5 years

Number of spectators: 100

Duration: 50 min.

Power: 220 V

Blackout: Total

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