5 years and up

A poetic puppet theater drama for ages 5 and up.

Arthur and Marta are two very old puppeteers who have been together all their lives. With a magical pavilion as a focal point, they play the story of the poor orphan boy Max, who longs to fly. All alone in the world, Max has to go through a lot, humiliated in the orphanage and exploited in the circus. Until he meets the giraffe woman Lily and the great love that might give him wings…

“FLY” takes the children on a journey of experience into a poetic clown and puppet theater universe with quirky characters, great emotions and magical images.

A differently told story about bullying and oppression, and about – in the end – daring to take the leap to freedom and love.

.. a beautiful, sensitive and deeply nostalgic performance for the school starters … absolutely improbably wonderful.

Anne Middelboe, Teateravisen/ The Theater Newspaper           

Direction, set design, music:  Giacomo Ravicchio 

Cast:  Maria Myrgård, Dirck Backer

Puppet maker, props and puppetry consultant:  Katrine Karlsen

Builder:  Steen Molls Rasmussen

Technique/lighting:  Peter Rasmussen

Photo: Søren Meisner

The performance is supported by the Danish Arts Council

Stage dimensions:  H: 3.2m x W: 7m x D: 7m, room size with full audience, min.: H: 3.2m, W: 7m D: 11m

Age group:  5 years and up

Number of spectators:  80

Duration:  40 min.

Electricity:  380 V, 3 x 16 A

Blackout:  Total

See Teateravisen’s review  here

watch video trailer  here

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