A strange man

Everything was as it should be and always had been. But then one day something happened. A strange man moved to town. He wasn’t light green like the others, but pink.

A reverse story, based on Mats Letén’s children’s book. Told in rap rhythm with long noses, to the tones of a gigantic tuba.

“Theatre Patrasket knows what they want with “A Strange Man” and they do it with style and convincing playfulness…”

Teateravisen/ The Theatre newspaper

Production year 2001

Cast:  Maria Myrgård, Thomas Danielsen; Christian Glahn
Director:  Ghita Malling
Text:  Mats Letén
Music:  Christian Glahn
Set design:  Julie Forchhammer
Photo:  Dorthe Krogh
Noses:  Dirck Backer

Supported by the Danish Theater Council

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A strange man

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